Brobyn TL, LaRiccia PJ. Case Report: A Multifactorial Integrated Systems Approach in the Successful Treatment of Primary Amenorrhea. Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes. July 2020. 4-12.
LaRiccia PJ, Brobyn TL, Curzon J, McClure M, Chung MK. Narrative Review: Autonomic Response Testing as a Whole Person System of Health Care. Townsend Letter. 2019;436:62-66.
Arthur B, Chung MK, Brobyn TL, LaRiccia PJ. Successful Treatment of Dyspareunia with an Integrative Medicine Approach: A Case Report. Integrative Medicine. 2019;18(6):38-41
Brobyn TL, LaRiccia PJ. Case Report: A Multifactorial Integrated Systems Approach in the Successful Treatment of Primary Amenorrhea. Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes. 2020;12(48):4-13.
Brobyn TL, Chung MK, LaRiccia PJ (2015) Neural Therapy: An Overlooked Game Changer for Patients Suffering Chronic Pain?. J Pain Relief 4: 184.
Chung MK, Chung D, LaRiccia PJ. Tongue piercing and chronic abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting—two cases. Explore (NY). 2015;11(1):59-62.
Chung MK, LaRiccia PJ. Successful treatment of chronic nausea and vomiting related to body piercing and tattooing with integrative medicine interventions. Holist Nurs Pract. 2015;29(1):33-36.
Brobyn TL, Chung MK. The use of autonomic response testing and the 5 Phases paradigm to identify unresolved feelings in patients with mood disorders. In: Clinical Roundup. Altern Complement Ther. 2015;21(4):183-184.
Myung Kyu Chung and Patrick J. LaRiccia. How Do You Deactivate Painful Scars in Your Practice? MEDICAL ACUPUNCTURE. 2016;28(3):162-163.
Couture DC, Chung MK, Shinnick P, Curzon J, McClure M, LaRiccia P. Integrative Medicine Approach to Pediatric Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety: A Case Report. Global Adv Health Med. 2016;5(1):117-121.
Chung MK, LaRiccia P. Successful Treatment of Chronic Nausea and Vomiting Related to Body Piercing and Tattooing With Integrative Medicine Interventions. Holist Nurs Pract 2015;29(1):33-36.
Chung MK, LaRiccia P. Successful Integrative Medicine Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Pain Associated with Breast Surgery. Holist Nurs Pract 2016;00(00):1–9.
Chung MK, Patrone CC, LaRiccia P. A modified approach to thyroid exams. The Journal of Family Practice. 2015;64(2):83.
Brobyn TL, LaRiccia PJ. Successful Treatment of Chronic Edema, Recurrent Cellulitis and Leg Pain using Autonomic Response Testing Assessment: Case Report. Journal of the Science of Healing Outcomes. 2017; 9(35).
Frandsen A, McClure M, Chung MK, LaRiccia PJ. Autonomic Response Testing Compared With Immunoglobulin E Allergy Panel Test Results: Preliminary Reports. Alternative Therapies. 2017;24(7).
Gurevich MI, Chung MK, LaRiccia PJ. Resolving Bulimia Nervosa Using an Innovative Neural Therapy Approach: Two Case Reports. Clinical Case Reports. 2018;6(2):278–282.
Brobyn TL, Trivisonno T, LaRiccia PJ. Challenging Case in Clinical Practice: Five Element Chinese Medicine Approach to Sleep Maintenance Insomnia. Alternative and Complementary Therapies. 2018;24(1).
Chung MK, LaRiccia PJ. Rapid resolution of concussion related symptoms in an 11‐month-old male with integrative medicine assessment and treatment: Case report. Clinical Case Reports. 2019;00:1-4.
Chung MK, Richmond, Jessica, LaRiccia PJ. Successful Integrative Medicine Assessment and Treatment of Chronic Allergic Rhinitis, Asthma and Eczema Related to a Metal Dental Crown: Case Report. Chronicity. 2019;11(44):11-17.
Chung MK, LaRiccia PJ. Starting IVs Made Easier. International Journal of Nursing Didactics. 2019;9(11):20-24.