
Take one pill before each meal. Do not take at the end of meals, as this could cause burning in the esophagus. If the one pill is tolerated without any burning or reflux, move up to two pills before each meal. If it is not tolerated, stay at the current dosage until stomach adjusts. Continue this process of moving up in dosage until physician’s directed dosing is reached.

Blue Ice Blend

Take 2 pills once a day with food.
Fish Oil (low dose): Take 2 (500mg) pills once a day. To keep fishy smelling breath of the pills repeating, take the pills at the beginning of meals. You can also refrigerate the pills to keep the smell and taste to a minimum. Fish oil (high dose): Take 3 (500mg) pills twice a day.

Joint Tendon Ligament

Take 1 pill daily. Or directed by physician


Take 1 pill daily. Or directed by physician

Megaspore/Microsilver Nasal Spray:

Take 2 sprays in each nostril once a day. (Megaspore – 3 days, Microsilver – 1 day)

MitoTone Plus:

Take 3 capsules daily. Or directed by physician

Oreganol oil

Take 2 drops of oregano oil in a small amount of juice or water mouth once a day. Continue until otherwise directed by physician

Nasal oregano oil

1 drop of oregano oil into 3 drops of olive oil. Drop one drop of this mixture into the nose about one inch into the cavity. If this strength is tolerated, increase the strength by mixing 2 drops of oregano oil into 4 drops of olive oil. Continue until otherwise directed by a physician.


Take 1 pill capsule. Or directed by physician

Rest Rest

Take 1 pill daily. Or directed by physician

Tibetan Tea

Put one bag of tea into a cup and add 6-8 ounces of hot water. Stir the tea and let it cool before drinking. Sip tea throughout the day, stir before each sip. Finish all of the tea including all granules which may settle to the bottom of the cup. Repeat daily for two days for a total of three cups of tea.


Take 1 pill 30 mins before bedtime.

Chaste Tree Berry

Take 2 pills daily.


Take 4 pills once a day or as directed by your physician.


Take 1 pill once a day. Or directed by physician


25 mg: Take 1 pill daily.


Take 1 pill at bedtime.


Take 2 pills once a day. Or directed by physician

Melatonin 1 mg

Take 1 pill daily 30 mins before bedtime.

Melatonin 3 mg

Take 1 pill daily 30 mins before bedtime. Or directed by physician


Apply to area experiencing pain.


Take 1 drop twice a day with a meal.

Cistus Tea

Brew 1 teaspoon of the tea leaves in a cup of water. Seep for 10 mins then drink.

Melatonin 3 mg PR

Take 1 pill daily 30 mins before bedtime.

Trace minerals

Take 3 drops once a day. Or directed by physician

Broccoli Sprout Extract

(1000 mg): Follow directions on the bottle (You can find on amazon, Best Naturals)

Retro V Powder

Take 2 teaspoons 2-3 times daily, best with yogurt.